Jay is an award winning writer of articles, book chapters and newsletters on domestic and international philanthropy, fundraising, and prospect research. He is also a featured interview subject for publications within the industry and general interest periodicals as well.
Jay’s publications and interviews include:
Forthcoming: Fundraising In A Flash! (April 2018)
“5 Questions for Jay Frost,” Nonprofit Trends Blog, July 6, 2011
“Succeed in the Brave New World of Overseas Fundraising,” an interview with Jay Frost, in The Major Gifts Report, July 2011
“For microphilanthropist, donations are a part of daily life,” MSNBC.com, December 22, 2010
“Jay Frost Interview,” The Networker, December 2010
“Brain for a Buck” in the 20th Anniversary edition of APRA’s Connections (2007)
“Fundraising Country Profile : Japan” in International Fund Raising for Not-for-Profits: A Country-by-Country Profile(John Wiley & Sons, 1999)
“U.S. Philanthropy in the Asia Pacific Region” in Emerging Civil Society in the Asia Pacific Community (JCIE/ISEAS, 1995), winner of the 1996 Masayoshi Ohira Award for Outstanding Contribution to Asia Pacific Community Building
International Philanthropy (1993-1998, serialized)
Winning Grant Proposals (The Taft Group, 1993)
Japanese Resources: A Guide to Information on Japanese Business and Grantmaking Activities (The Taft Group, 1991)
“Washington Think-Tanks : An Information Channel,” as part of the American delegation to the Third International Conference on Japanese Information in Science, Technology and Commerce (INIST, 1991)