
Jay Frost is one of the most capable fundraising consultants I have ever encountered. Brilliant, creative, committed. Understands both nonprofit and for profit cultures, philanthropy as well as entrepreneurship. These are qualities essential for these times, yet so hard to find.

Jay spoke to our AFP Chapter about the "Power of Prospecting". We had such a wonderful time! Jay was not only informative and engaging but was very interactive. We had tremendous feedback from our group and many who were anxious to get back to their offices to put his advice to work! Thank you Jay!

Jay is a pro from top to bottom. He brings so much knowledge and experience to the conversation and understands all levels of development and fundraising. Along with his great knowledge of the field, Jay is warm, genuine, funny and a pleasure to work with. I cannot recommend Jay enough for any fundraising or campaign topic.

Jay's a rockstar! He literally flew half-way around the world from another event in Germany to be the featured speaker at the Hawaii Gift Planning Council's Annual Conference this past March. Sleep deprivation and jet lag did not stop him from giving an energetic, informative and engaging presentation to our group. Jay delivered in keeping sessions interesting, with takeaways that our members could use right away in their organizations. He received outstanding reviews from attendees on the post-conference surveys. It was truly a pleasure working with him.

I had the immense pleasure of working with Jay on a project for Festival Mozaic, a classical music festival in San Luis Obispo, California. He conducted interviews with donors and stakeholders, synthesized an unbelievable amount of data and presented to our board of directors. He is a dynamic, wise, and friendly presenter and a good soul. I cannot recommend Jay highly enough. What a joy to have our paths cross!

Jay Frost served as Chair of Advancing Leadership, the Apra Fall Symposium held this past November in Alexandria, VA. Jay’s vision, creativity, and collaborative spirit with faculty and guest speakers resulted in one of the most inspiring and thought-provoking events focused on leadership in fundraising and prospect development. Jay is truly passionate about the work we do in fundraising, the good it brings, and its invaluable role in supporting institutions and causes across all sectors. Through the great work of Jay, and the faculty he recruited, the summit was an outstanding success that sparked deep and excited conversations that will last well beyond the two days of the symposium!

Jay is a fantastic person. Willing to share his great exeprience and embrace new situation, regions, people. I worked with Jay during an international event with Non Governmental Organizations from Europe, Middle East and Africa region and he had to adapt his experience and knowledge acquired in North America to this part of the World. Not only Jay made a great workshop and training, but many organizations expressed their desire to collaborate with him on specific Fund Raising projects. What I have personally learnt from Jay is a very simple approach of Asking : If you don't ask, you have very little chance to get what you want. Thanks Jay.

I highly recommend Jay to speak to any organization on the topic philanthropy and fundraising. He has an uncanny ability for relating concepts and ideas to a varying audience.
Jay delivered two sessions to our local fundraising professionals chapter as part of our first ever professional development conference for development professionals. In the room were CEO’s, Development Directors, Board Members, Marketing Directors, and even a Financial Advisor. Nearly every person in the room shared they gained something out of the experience. It was also impressive that he could speak about the “big picture” while also giving tangible tools that become immediate takeaways for professionals to bring back to their respective organizations.
Jay also delivered a keynote speech to a similar audience at our Celebration of Philanthropy Luncheon. In addition to professionals, there were many philanthropists in the room, some of whom were being honored that day. Not only did he share an important message about “Standing Out,” he used stories of inspiration from his own life experiences. It was a captivating and moving speech.

Jay was a featured speaker at our Nonprofit Learning Point - Nonprofit Summit in November 2015 in Richmond, Virginia. He was fantastic! I fully recommend him not only as a talented and experienced speaker, but as someone who is easy to work with, passionate about the success of anything he is involved in, and a professional committed to the success of the nonprofit sector as whole, not only the field of fund development. Jay was one of eighteen speakers at our TEDx style event and he really stood out through his engaging and participatory 20 minute 'experience'. He really made it so much more than a typical keynote lecture. One of our survey respondents had this to say about him "Jay Frost was my favorite speaker; awesome delivery and he didn't over-complicate the message of Resource Development... so polished and so informative."

Jay Frost exudes a unique energy that informs, inspires and motivates his audiences to chase their dreams. A fundraising industry leader, Jay is an authority on many facets of philanthropy and offers keen insight into international prospect research and fundraising best practices. I highly recommend Jay as a keynote speaker and fundraising consultant.

Jay was the opening speaker for APRA-VA's 20th Anniversary Conference, and we could not have made a better choice. Jay engaged the audience immediately by introducing his topic of "Twenty Questions--What You Really Need to know" by simply asking some of life's most important questions. Our audience got it right away, and he held our attention throughout the presentation with an audience game and a role play--all demonstrating the importance of questions and the equally important listening skills. It was a clever way of illustrating key points without lecturing. Not only did the audience gain important insight into the best questions to ask donors, everyone was set for the rest of the conference to listen and ask good questions. Thank you Jay for the great presentation and for getting our conference off on the right foot. You're the best!

Jay was in fine form as the keynote speaker for the 2014 AFP DFW Philanthropy in Action Conference on June 13. In his keynote he held the audience in his hand as he shared his knowledge of how to identify major gift donors and in his closing session, too, as he encouraged us to follow our dreams - reminding us that we CAN stand out personally and professionally.
To see dozens more recommendations, visit Jay's LinkedIn profile here.